Friday, May 31, 2019

Directing Act 3 scene 2 of Julius Caesar :: Drama

Directing Act 3 motion-picture show 2 of Julius CaesarAct 3 crack 2 is a pivotal scene in the play for a number of reasons.Firstly, it develops the growing conflict between the conspirators andAnthony. It creates the main division that ultimately leads to theensuing war. It also introduces Anthony as a more powerful figure, asif he fills the vacuum that Caesars death left.From a directing storey of view, it is a very hard scene to direct, aswe need to observe the suspense and momentum created by the juxtapositionmade by placing this pivotal scene right after the last highly chargedand emotional scene. In this scene, I want to try and create anatmosphere of anger and emotion, anger first at Caesar during Brutus tongue and then at Brutus himself during Anthonys, the emotion is ina way not only the anger, but also the grief that the rough-cuts feelat the loss of their leader.Before the scene starts, a couple of actors in plebeian clothes takeup places in the standing area close to the stage ready to divide theaudience for when Anthony comes down among them.At the beginning of the scene when Brutus and Cassius enter, I wouldlike them to enter through the main back gateway onto the stage and walktowards the plebeians. Cassius then leaves with some citizens andexits back through the back door through which Brutus then follows toemerge a moment later in the main pulpit above the stage (see diagram1-2). This is because it shows he thinks he is above all the citizensaround him and asserts the air of authority that he is trying to make.One of the main points I want to get across in Brutus speech is the event that he does not actually have any good reason for killing Caesarand that he has to try and promote the one point that he has. To dothis, I want him to use a lot of emotive actions and tone of voice. InCaesars time when the people were mostly uneducated and easily led,this kind of speech would have won them over if it were performedwell. If they got so caught up on one point, then they would forgetthat it was not actually a very good point and believe it feverantlyuntil they could be persuaded otherwise by another speaker, such asAnthony.Brutus starts out by pleading with the plebeians to listen to him,Hear me for my cause, andbe silent, that you may get wordWhen he says this, I want him to say it almost desperately but still

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