Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Close Analysis of A Fable for Tomorrow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Close Analysis of A Fable for Tomorrow - Essay ExampleOnce Carson establishes the setting, she proceeds to vividly describe the colors and plant and animal life.For the first two paragraphs, the sentences are complex, and the writing is lyrical. Commas allow for smooth transitions and maintain the length of the sentences while creating a poetical sound. Words such as harmony, prosperous, delighted, and beauty highlight the positive nature of these paragraphs as well. The colorful description takes a turn in the third paragraph. As the story turns ugly, Carson turns the actual prose ugly. Sentences shorten and become more limited in their content. Colons, semicolons, and dashes reduce the lyrical quality found in at the beginning of the fable. plane the description, so vibrant and beautiful at the outset, disappears.Carson relies on a new set of words to set the tone for this portion of the fable. Blight, evil, and illness all sponsor to characterise the change to a negative mood. As the fable continues and the tone becomes dark and disturbing, sentences adopt a droning quality. Carson begins to use alliteration, which actually adds an element of personal manner to the choppy sentences. Mysterious maladies, stricken suddenly, and strange stillness emphasise the horror of her words and make them stick in the mind.By th

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