Monday, June 10, 2019

Smart Phone Uses by Health Professionals Presearch Methodology and Essay

Smart Phone Uses by Health Professionals Presearch Methodology and Procedures - Essay ExampleDue to the limitation of resources, the research volition target small health organizations and individual health professionals. For the health organizations, we will target the senior-most manager we can reach and the average healthcargon professional from the said(prenominal) organization. This will enable us to comp atomic number 18 the feedback given by the parties so that we can analyze/validate the differences found (Creswell 10). For the individuals, we have decided to target as many individual health professionals as possible from the diverse organizations, departments and other institutions. This kind of diversity encourages diverse responses, thus enabling us to make a much solid conclusion as comp ared to limiting our participants. Procedure Our research question concentrates on the effectiveness of smart phone applications by health professionals. Since we are using the quantit ative and the qualitative research methods, we settle to enforce the questionnaires, which fall under the quantitative method and the interviews, which fall under the qualitative method. We have hustling fifteen questions on the questionnaires. Most of the questions are open-ended questions so that we can chuck up the sponge the participants to be speculative. Such questions encourage personal opinions too. In order to allow comparison, most of the questions appearing in the questionnaires are in the interview form. ... a potential participant that, they were only supposed to answer a questionnaire that was only fifteen questions long, than telling one which is way above that number. Our target is to get at least three health providing organizations and one hundred health professionals. We will corporate the top management in an organization so that they can convince the employees to take part. By using this approach, we will be able to get more participants as compared to convi ncing individuals to take part. Questionnaires will be sent to the participants through their emails, mails, text messages, hand deliveries or picking them up in a designated field at the workplace. These methods of issuance will allow the participants to give answers to the various questions, at their convenience. The questionnaires will be distributed one and a half months in front the time they are expected to be submitted, to ensure that the participants gain ample time to answer the questions. The submission date will be stated one month before the due date of the research submission. This will give use adequate time to analyze the data collected. It will also give an allowance for tardy submissions. We are targeting doing as many one-on-one interviews as possible. We want to carry out the interviews to the top management of the organizations. Since most of the managers already asked to take part are not comfortable with recording the interview, we will write down the answer s received from the interview questions. However, a lot of keenness will be involved in order to avoid distractions. We will also interview the health professionals. Interviews will either take place face to face or through the use of phones (landline or cell-phone). However, we want to have as many face-to-face interviews as possible

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