Thursday, June 13, 2019

Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal Assignment

Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal - Assignment ExampleVarious momentous aspects including the role play by capitalism in corporate decision making, detailed analysis of a selected business situation and the execution of certain potent theories will also be discussed in the assignment.Nowadays, every company operating in dissimilar industries is apparently observed to be offering the products in amity with the preferences or the choices of the customers. As an advocate, I would like to support the industries, as due to global economic pitfall the purchasing power of the general people is acquiring limited, which in turn affects their profitability at large. It can be affirmed that in order to sustain in this land of unembellished trade, industries of different scales aim to produce low-cost goods for serving the customers according to their respective preferences (Frank, 2007).Evidently, the notion of capitalism is identified to play decisive roles in the context of corporate decision-making surgical process. It can be apparently observed that the aspect of capitalism has risen by a considerable extent specifically in the corporate sector with the gaining momentum of free trade. This certainly affected the decision-making procedure of the corporate sector at large. Every industry desires to sustain in this competitive landscape and earn more profit. Thus, the decision-making procedure in corporate sector has certainly changed the entire business environment with the alignment of free trade. Identifiably, due to the prevalence of high competitive market, every enterpriser has emerged with the execution of new ideas. These ideas may entail liberalizing the operational or business procedures and appropriately using the accessible resources among others (Bell & et al., 1988).The existence of varied ethical theories often advocates reenforcement either the consumers or the industries in the land of free trade. In the context of

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