Sunday, June 16, 2019

Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Presentation - Essay ExampleErnie Daviss refusal to do this caused totally his white teammates to boycott the banquet. Ernie Davis also won the MVP title in the Liberty Bowl. One year yare, in 1961, Ernie Davis won the Heisman Trophy. This trophy meant a take for Ernie Davis given he was the first athlete of the African American race ever to win the Heisman Trophy. In the year 1979, Ernie Davis was introduced into the College Football Hall of Fame. All his achievements, titles, and awards carried a special meaning for Ernie Davis because he had won them by fighting dual challenge of showing marvelous performance in the games and prejudice against the black athletes in the south. John F. Kennedy passed a salute to Ernie Davis saying, Seldom has an athlete been more deserving of such a tribute. Your high standards of performance on the field and off the field, study the finest qualities of competition, sportsmanship and citizenshipI salute you (Kennedy cited in Ernie

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