Thursday, June 6, 2019

Welsh Olive Grove on Anglesey Essay Example for Free

Welsh Olive Grove on Anglesey EssayNowadays the problem of climatic changes is poignant the whole world. Therefore, Anglesey decided to plant the first commercial olive grove in Wales to manage those changes. Calon Lan being the official producer of olive trees, make planted about fifty olive tress on the northern coastal line of the Wales. It is interesting to note that this olive grove is claimed to be the northerly located in the Europe. Olive trees are believed to support the mild climate of winters and to establish Mediterranean weather meaning that summers would be characterized by mini warming waves. Devon was the first official place in the United Kingdom where the olive trees were planted. Then they were planted also in Shropshire. Geraint Hughes was the first to promote the idea of olive groves in Wales. He is a director of Calon Lan being only 28 years of age and coming from common farmers family. Hughes argues that olive groves give an excellent opportunity to affe ct climatic changes and to support mild climatic conditions. Hughes decided to cooperate with an agency Menter Mon and Tom Barlow being the owner of a local vineyard.Hughes wanted to re-locate olive trees suffering from frosts in Italy and to plant them in milder climate. He wanted Calon Lan to be the first to sell live trees with child(p) in Wales. The planters expect successful harvest and they argue that no frosts and hot summers are the best components for olive groves. The only thing olive trees require is the proper(a) conditions for growing. Nevertheless, in the beginning it will be rather difficult to ensure decent crop because the right conditions arent quickly provided.According to statistics, the life prediction of an olive tree is about 500 years and olive trees are claimed to be one of the most long-living. Thin rocky soils are the best accommodate for growing. Hughes sums up that in about thirty years the conditions in Wales will resemble for conditions in the South of France and, therefore, the prospects for planting olive trees are encouraging. Thus, Hughes and his partners are uncoerced to struggle with climatic changes to make olive groves the northernmost in Europe in the future.This project is strongly supported by the European Leader create by mental act allowing Hughes to work out innovative approaches on Anglesey and to cooperate with local companies. Hughes desire is to show people that lots of opportunities exist on Anglesey and there is an excellent panorama to gain a reputation of innovators of new camelina oil. Planting olive trees in Anglesey gives an opportunity for local farmers to promote and advertise Wales-grown trees. Many agree that farmers should vary their products in order to meet the climatic changes to happen in the future.Positive changes are taking place and nowadays the Welsh climate is getting warmer, though some bother that traditional crops may suffer from such conditions. However, such conditions are the b est suited for planting olives and vineyards. Also Gulf Stream positively affects Anglesey preventing it from frosts. It is necessary to outline that Calon Lan is producing today hemp, avocado and camelina oils and Wales-grown olive trees are a good idea for diversification.

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